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Niall Gallagher

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

There are various paths to becoming a Marine Officer: NROTC, MCEP/ECP, the Naval Academy, Platoon Leaders Class (PLC), or Officer Candidates Course (OCC). Officer Selection Officer (OSO) solely recruit for either PLC or OCC. OCC and PLC are simply methods of applying to OCS for different populations (college grads or college student).

In short, PLC is for college students (freshmen through juniors) and OCC is for those who already have a 4 yr undergraduate degree (or will have a college degree in the near future i.e. college seniors). I wrote an extensive post on PLC and how it works. Learn more about it by clicking here. Ultimately, you can go through two six week iterations at OCS or a single 10 week course. Once you are fully trained AND your undergraduate degree is conferred, you will be eligible to commission. During your commissioning ceremony you will sign your NAVMC 763 (Acceptance of Commission), thereby officially becoming a 2ndLt in the Marine Corps. You will then fall under the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR); however, your main Point of Contact for all Marine Corps related matters will be your OSO. You will receive and estimated The Basic School (TBS) assignment on your NAVMC 763. Your TRICARE health insurance will also start the day of your commission. Note that the TBS date can be changed based on the needs of the Marine Corps, but it's unlikely to change unless you request a change that is approved by your chain of command.

OCC is for college grads and college seniors. If selected for this program, you go through a single 10 week course and at the end of the course in Sept, Jan, or late May. You will be given the opportunity to sign your NAVMC 763 (Acceptance of Commission) if you complete the course. If you decide to decline to sign the 1 page form, you will give a plane ticket back to your home of record and receive no military obligation. If you sign the form, you are accepting the terms of your service agreement and will become a 2ndLt that day and be provided orders to attend The Basic School (TBS) immediately. In rare cases, OCC candidates may go back to work for their Officer Selection Officer for a short period of time on Permissive Temporary Assigned Duty (PTAD) orders. As an aside, I do not recommend requesting PTAD at OCS. The sooner you accomplish your entry level training, the better.

In summary, OCC and PLC are simply methods of applying to OCS for different populations (college grads or college student). They have slightly different requirements and one or the other can be more or less competitive at any given time. If you're interested in learning more about OCC and PLC fill out and initial screening questionnaire and I will promptly reach out to you.

Capt Harper

OSO Manhattan


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